6 Ways To Stretch Your Marketing Budget Using Pardot

Your marketing budget just got slashed. But let me guess: You’ve been tasked with prioritizing, optimizing, and stretching your budget to meet the same business goals? 

Many of our clients are in the same position. Here are six budget-stretching ideas to help you get more done with less using Pardot. 


1. Offer Freebies:

The majority of online streaming and SAAS products offer “free trials” because it’s a highly effective conversion tactic. Freebies help you build trust, collect data, qualify prospects, and drive traffic to your website. Free guides, consultations, add-ons, or products are great, low-cost ways to generate leads. Launch your freebies and create a content marketing funnel to your paid products using Pardot’s campaign builder. 


 2. Recycle Existing Content:

Can you remember what email offers you received last month? If you weren’t in an active buying cycle, you probably skimmed and deleted it. Repurpose and reuse the content in your Pardot Engagement Studio programs. Your database has grown, and prospects have advanced in their buying cycles. Turn your white paper into a blog series, take content from a webinar and make it an infographic, or turn a blog post into an educational video.


 3. Take The Tradeshow To YouTube:

Post video demos from trade shows on YouTube. Make it a public link to attract a new audience. If you have a proprietary product, you can still post it on YouTube as a private listing (a video that is only accessible to those who have the link). Gate the video with a Pardot form or host on a Pardot Landing Page to control access. 


 4. Engage On Social Media… Using New Platforms:

Years ago a large insurance company garnered buzz when it created a Pinterest page. Insurance and Pinterest do not seem like a natural fit. But the Pinterest page had nothing to do with insurance. It was created during the holiday season, and they posted recipe favorites and decorating tips from their employees.   The employees loved submitting ideas and seeing their contributions go viral under the name of their employer. The company also shared to their personal social networks and kept the company name out there during a season most people were not thinking of insurance.


 5. Do Your Own PR:

Just as you struggle for content, paid journalists struggle for new story ideas. Know who and which publications cover your market or industry and reach out to them to offer an interview or a new product “scoop”. 


 6. What To Do Next: 

As Pardot consultants, we can offer you assistance in building engagement programs with your existing content.  We can help you create new content and leverage your marketing automation campaigns in Pardot. Get started with our free Demand Generation consultation to get you on the path to marketing automation success. 

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